Cawp senior

Late. Yona Lemi
Former Executive Director
Vukeni Moses
Current Executive D.

Stephen Kenyi
Admini & Logistician

Asha Hakim

Janet Yangi
Cashier Juba office
 | Pageri Trading Centre borehole
Women and young ladies of pageri payam are crowned at main centre water point. Mostly during the dry spelt casing of fighting at the water points,delayment in cooking on time for the family. increase of more water points in different location of the Pageri center will reduce such challenges

Water yards with six outlets Bio - Sand Filter in Pageri
Small Mini water yards could be an answered as well as Bio- sand Filter which is newly introduced in Pageri administrative area could be an alternative to address water crisis issue within the community |
Drilling of deep borehole at Child Hope primary school Kerepi payam.
Bengo with the support of IAS German have given funded to CAWP and EDOOSS to drill four boreholes, construct 20 Bio-sand fiters and introduce school garden in four schools in Pageri administrative area.
The water points werer allocated in the schools, to easy learning and improve water hygiene and sanitation of the pupils and the community around the schools
So far three boreholes drilled, 20 bio-sand filter constructed

Construction of Bio-sand filter for the community who live near by the river Aswa
EDOOSS have constructed 20 Bio-sand filter ready for distribution to the people of Pageri county.
The bio-Sand filters will be distributed to the people living near by the river bank, and areas which boreholes are not drilled.
It is first of it kind that this technology being introduce to the people of pageri area.
Introduction of feeding programm in four schools in Pageri area
School garden programm which carter a cross long term crops and vegetable garden was introduce by EDOOSS in the four school in pageri administrative area.
Agricultural tools, seed and fund for ploughing garden were given to the school management to improve the learning and reduce movment of pupils during the breaks.
Parent supports were realised during this initive.

CAWP AND EDOOSS, have trained school children and community members on how to do a simply rehabilitation/repair of the borehole.
Schools will be equips with more training on proper management and sustainability of their water points.
Fees collection from water users will help the school able to buy pipes and rods for better maintanence fo their boreholes
County pump mechanics will be of great help in supporting the school with repair tools
Uganda office
Koboko opposite KKT
Guest House
Office Telephone
+256 476422126
Call Administrator
Mobile number
+256 782435140
Call Director
Mobile Number
+256 774628755
South Sudan
Juba office
Hai Jebel Rock City
NOC Consortium
C/o of IAS - Juba
Tonping office
Mere Head quarter
Opposite Police Head
Office mobile
+211 956755997
Yei office
Naivasha Hotel
Opposite IAS
Yei County
+211955178857 |
Local Partners

Sudan Pentecostal

National Christian

Education development
Organization of Sudan |