Cawp senior

Late. Yona Lemi
Former Executive Director
Vukeni Moses
Current Executive D.

Stephen Kenyi
Admini & Logistician

Asha Hakim

Janet Yangi
Cashier Juba office
A happy driller.
Wani Francis Rig
> Fetch all news |
Wednesday 8 October 2011, 12:00 | | Yei today
The governor of Central Equatoria
State Republic of S.Sudan have
removed all the check points alone
Kaya - Yei road and Yei - Juba road.
trucks and passenages travel with
no much delay of the unnecessary
checking alone Kaya - Juba road. |
Tuesday 8 February 2011, 07:01 | | Local News (Referrendum bicyle)
Referrendum Bicyle.
Yei County was know as one of the county which enjoyed the happy moment of compaigs for referrendum and after the voting.
The attached photo is one of the tallest bicyle in the whole of South Sudan and it was only found in Yei. The bicyle know to belong to Mr. Wani Mandela former IAS staff.
During the celebration of the final announcement for the referrendum result, the bicyle was used as tool of joy for the city to see the new change in the up coming new country.
Sunday 19 October 2010, 18:23 | | Mini water yards
The construction of the three mini water yards for Kajo-Keji county is on progress. CAWP has engaged in the last week in transporting construction materials from Koboko liasion office to Kaji-Keji CAWP base office. The logistician reported his office is so busy with sorting out the heavier metal from the breakable one. |
Saturday 28 July 2010, 12:00 | | Sport News
Mere YoungStar Football Team
Community Action Water Programme have formed Mere YoungStar Football team.
These are the surrounding neighhorhood children within the new site compound.
Developing of footabll skill on the these youngstar children is the concerned of
Mr. Vukeni
Mr. Vukeni demonstrating his football skill in their new compound as he
coaches this young star team
Friday 4 February 2010, 12:00 | | Liwolo WSSC training
CAWP was bless this year with two female visitors who came from to different countries Europ and Canada down to Kajo-Keji County to see and review CAWP Project objectives. Miss. Tanja from Denmark on IAS special mission for CAWP, while Deborah from Canada a friend of CAWP
These two ladies on 4th/February 2010 team up with the Cawp senior managers to conduct water source and sanitation training in Liwolo Payam. First kind of workshop attanded by visitors from those far.

CAWP Director introducing IAS Denmark representative to the participant in Liwolo Payam during WSSC training conducting by Mr. James Mono CAWP Community Development officer Kajo- Keji field office |
Uganda office
Koboko opposite KKT
Guest House
Office Telephone
+256 476422126
Call Administrator
Mobile number
+256 782435140
Call Director
Mobile Number
+256 774628755
South Sudan
Juba office
Hai Jebel Rock City
NOC Consortium
C/o of IAS - Juba
Tonping office
Mere Head quarter
Opposite Police Head
Office mobile
+211 956755997
Yei office
Naivasha Hotel
Opposite IAS
Yei County
+211955178857 |
About CAWP
It stand for Community Action Water Programme
CAWP is non governmental, political and non profit making organization, it vision and mission base on community driven
By - laws of CAWP
Safe clean water for all people
Promote good practices of hygiene and sanitation in healthy environment through provision of safe and clean drinking water
To improve the hygiene and sanitation of the community
Serve community with safe and clean drilling water |
Local Partners

Sudan Pentecostal

National Christian

Education development
Organization of Sudan |
CAWP have agreed three year project agreement with Bengo BMZ - Germany. this is the fifth Project BENGO have funded CAWP to implement in County of Magwi County Eastern Equatoria. |